Science Resources

I spend a lot of time looking at periodic tables of various forms. Here are some of my favourites:

Periodic Table of Oxidation States - Compound Chem has a wonderful array of infographics. The most useful to me is this periodic table with all possible and preferred oxidation states.

PTable - is almost always open on my computer, usually on the electrons tab. I like how interactive and intuitive it is.

EuChemS Element Scarcity - The European Chemical Society frequently updates this periodic table that shows both how common elements are and how sustainable our usage is.

My vacuum system cheat sheet is supposed to be a rough guide to the systems that I typically use. I want students to understand why the system is designed the way it is and get a feeling for how to diagnose problems, make repairs and even design their own systems. I did make this quickly on a flight so please let me know if you spot errors or typos, it's certainly possible.

Vacuum system cheat sheet.pdf